Welcome into my world

A world full of intuition, colours and shapes ……………
I, Anneke Kieft, connect these elements in my paintings with passion. For me it is a beautiful way to find and release emotion in other people. Each painting has its own story and can release a part within you of which you were at first glance not aware of. It can evoke consciousness, inspiration, consolation, joy, tenderness, anger, indignation and many other emotions. Each emotion is equally important to be felt and expressed in a constructive way. A beautiful way to find your deepest self, who you really are.

On this web site you’ll see photos of the paintings which are not as energetic as the “real live paintings”. If you would like to have more information about de aura paintings, assignments or free work, please contact me. So we will be able to make an appointment, you are always more than welcome to have a look at the paintings in my studio without any obligation.

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